How to Fix HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

#nginx #apache2 #httpd #linux

Have you ever come across an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error while browsing a website? It can be frustrating and confusing, but don’t worry, there are ways to fix it. In this post, we will discuss the possible causes of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error and how to fix it.

What is HTTP 500 Internal Server Error?

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error is an error message that indicates that something has gone wrong on the server, and it cannot fulfill the request. It is a generic error message that can occur due to various reasons, and it does not provide specific information about the problem. It can occur on any website, including popular ones like Facebook and Google.

Possible Causes of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

There can be several reasons why HTTP 500 Internal Server Error occurs. Here are some of the most common causes:

Coding Errors

Coding errors can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. These errors can occur due to syntax errors or missing files. If the code has an error, it can cause the server to malfunction, resulting in HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.

Server Overload

If the server is overloaded, it can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. When a server is overwhelmed with requests, it may not be able to respond to all the requests, leading to the error.

Plugin or Theme Conflicts

If you are using a content management system like WordPress, a plugin or theme conflict can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. These conflicts can occur due to incompatible themes or plugins or because of a corrupted file.

How to Fix HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Now that we know the possible causes of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error, let’s discuss how to fix it.

Check the Error Logs

The first step in fixing HTTP 500 Internal Server Error is to check the error logs. The error logs can provide valuable information about the cause of the error. You can check the error logs in the control panel of your website or contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Increase the Memory Limit

If the server is running out of memory, it can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. You can try increasing the memory limit in the PHP.ini file. The memory limit can be increased by adding the following line of code to the PHP.ini file:

memory_limit = 128M

Disable Plugins and Themes

If a plugin or theme is causing HTTP 500 Internal Server Error, you can try disabling them. You can disable the plugins and themes by renaming the plugins or themes folder in the content management system. Once you have disabled the plugins or themes, try accessing the website again to see if the error has been resolved.

Update the Software

If the website is running an outdated version of software, it can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. You can try updating the software to the latest version to fix the error.

Contact Your Hosting Provider

If you have tried all the above methods and the error still persists, you can contact your hosting provider for assistance. They may be able to provide you with more information about the cause of the error and help you fix it.

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on Nginx

If you are using Nginx web server and encounter HTTP 500 Internal Server Error, here are some additional steps you can take:

Check the Nginx Error Logs

The first step in fixing HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on Nginx is to check the error logs. You can find the error logs in the Nginx configuration file. Look for the “error_log” directive to locate the error logs.

Increase the Buffer Size

If the request is too large for the buffer size, it can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. You can increase the buffer size in the Nginx configuration file by adding the following line of code:

client_max_body_size 20M;

Check the PHP-FPM Configuration

If you are using PHP-FPM with Nginx, you may need to check the PHP-FPM configuration. You can check the PHP-FPM configuration file to see if there are any errors.

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on Apache2 and httpd

If you are using Apache2 or httpd web server and encounter HTTP 500 Internal Server Error, here are some additional steps you can take.

Check the Apache Error Logs

The first step in fixing HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on Apache2 or httpd is to check the error logs. You can find the error logs in the Apache configuration file. Look for the “ErrorLog” directive to locate the error logs.

Check the .htaccess File

If there is an error in the .htaccess file, it can cause HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. You can check the .htaccess file to see if there are any errors. Try removing the code in the .htaccess file to see if it fixes the error.

Check the PHP Configuration

If you are using PHP with Apache2 or httpd, you may need to check the PHP configuration. You can check the PHP configuration file to see if there are any errors. Try updating the PHP version to the latest version to fix the error.


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error can be frustrating, but it is a common error that can be fixed. By following the steps mentioned above, you can identify the

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